Friday Fun Spot: Blowing Out Matches

Ellisa starting picking up “blowing” after I blew her bubbles in the garage for probably an hour the other day. Then daddy blew on her food to cool it down that same evening and it stuck. Match lighting and blowing out practice soon began. Hudson of course joined right in on the fun, but he can’t quite get enough breathe to blow the flame out.

I like how they both are trying to “eat” it vs blowing. Hudson’s clapping when he gets excited is pretty cute, and Ellisa’s expression when daddy asks if she wants to do it again is adorable. When Charles blows out the match at the end, notice how Ellisa is blowing right along with him. She’s quite the mimic.

2 Responses to “Friday Fun Spot: Blowing Out Matches”
  1. carey gooden says:

    So darling! I was cheering along with them — “oooo, don’t touch!”, “There you go!”
    (Hudson sure looks like MacKenzie in this!)

  2. Joseph says:

    Am I crazy or does it appear that Hudson is getting red hair? Elissa’s seems darker in color. Maybe it was the video.

Let the peanuts know your thoughts.